Welcome to Wenthewanderlust, your ultimate guide to Travel Adventures!

Hi, I’m Wena, a Filipina expat in Dubai and the creator of Wenthewanderlust. I balance a full-time job and my passion for travel.

Temple of Bagan Solo Travel

I was born and raised in Cebu, Philippines, a place known for its beautiful landscapes and rich culture. As a child, I loved exploring and daydreaming about traveling the world. My love for travel began with a college trip to Hong Kong. The excitement of discovering a new place sparked my curiosity and desire to explore more.

Moving to Dubai

My passion for travel grew stronger as I got older. I needed a way to fund my travels, so I moved to Dubai for work. Unlike many who move abroad to build a life back home, I moved to Dubai to fuel my travel adventures.

Balancing a career in Dubai, I made the most of my weekends and vacation days to explore the UAE and beyond. So far, I’ve visited 30 countries and look forward to many more adventures. I’ve found ways to maximize my vacation time and explore the world one destination at a time.

I started by traveling with friends, planning every detail. But I soon realized that fast-paced travel is not for me. I wanted to travel slowly and soak in the experiences, so I began solo traveling. I love discovering hidden spots and visiting historical sites. My solo adventures have been filled with amazing moments and a few misadventures, each teaching me something new and leaving unforgettable memories.

Why did I decide to create a blog?

I’ve always been passionate about adventure, but I hesitated to share my stories publicly. The internet can be intimidating! However, I decided to start this blog to inspire others to explore the world. I hope my experiences and tips help newbie plan their travels and find the time, money, and motivation to get out there.

How can my blog help you?

My blog offers practical advice and inspiration for both new and seasoned travelers. I share my experiences to show that it’s possible to travel even with a full-time job. Whether you’re planning your first trip or your 100th, I hope my stories inspire you to start your next adventure.

Let’s explore the world together!

Curious about my travel experiences? Follow me on my journey on my Instagram and Tiktok for the latest updates and inspiration. 

Have questions? Drop me a message here!