Have you ever wanted to see something so beautiful that it takes your breath away? A place so incredible that it seems like it was pulled straight out of a movie? If you have, you need to add Petra in Jordan to your bucket list. It is one of the Seven Wonders of the World for a reason—it’s absolutely breathtaking.

The Treasury one of the most elaborate temple in Petra

A Brief History of Petra:

Before we get into why Petra is so unique, let’s take a quick step back to learn a little about its history. Petra is an ancient city that was first established around the 6th century BC by the Nabataean people. The Nabataeans were a Semitic people who originally came from modern-day Arabia. They settled in Petra because it was an ideal location for them to control the trade routes in the region.

What makes Petra so special is that it was carved entirely out of sandstone rock cliffs. It’s believed that the Nabataeans carved over 800 individual structures into the cliffs, including temples, tombs, and homes. In 106 AD, Petra became part of the Roman Empire and continued to prosper under its rule. However, by the 3rd century AD, commercial activity in Petra had begun to decline, and by the end of the 4th century AD, most people had abandoned the city altogether.

Petra remained largely unknown to the outside world until 1812 when Swiss explorer Johann Ludwig Burckhardt rediscovered it. Since then, it has become one of Jordan’s most popular tourist destinations.

Why You Need to Visit Petra at least Once in Your Life: 

There are plenty of reasons why Petra should be on your travel bucket list, but here are just a few:

1. The scenery is unlike anything you’ve seen before—you feel like you’re entirely in another world.

As I stepped into the vast, winding canyon at Petra, my breath was taken away by the incredible natural beauty around me. Interspersed between these majestic cliffs were ancient structures carved out of rose-colored rock, whose intricately carved facades glowed brilliantly in the sun. The whole scene felt almost otherworldly—like I had traveled back in time to a world untouched by humankind. There’s no denying that anyone who visits Petra will be completely enchanted by its landscape and scenery.

Ad Deir, or another known as The Monastery.

2. Impressive architecture

Petra is a city famed for its impressive architecture and world-renowned ruins. Everywhere you look in Petra, you can see massive temples, imposing palaces, and elaborately carved tombs that seem to soar into the sky. Whether it’s the towering pillars of the temples, the elaborately adorned façade of the Royal Tomb, or any other remarkable structures throughout this breathtaking city, one thing is clear: Petra’s architecture is truly awe-inspiring.

The Siq, the main entrance to the Nabateans city of Petra

So if you’re looking to be wowed by some truly incredible buildings, then make sure to see this magnificent place for yourself. You won’t be disappointed! It’s incredible and truly a sight to behold.

3. Unique landscape

Petra is a truly spectacular landscape that must be seen to be believed. Located in the desert of southern Jordan, this ancient city was carved into the side of a massive sandstone rock formation, giving it an otherworldly appearance. The towering red cliffs around Petra are crowned with soaring sandstone pinnacles, creating a breathtaking backdrop for the bustling streets and ornate temples below.

view from “The End of the World”

Additionally, numerous valleys cut into the landscape around Petra, providing amazing views from above. Whether you are exploring the ruins along the Siq or gazing at them from afar, this unique landscape is truly awe-inspiring and unlike anything else in the world.

4. There’s so much to learn about this ancient city and its people

There are so many fascinating aspects to this city that it can be hard to know where to begin. For example, Petra has served as an important trading center throughout its history. Its strategic location near trade routes made it an attractive hub for goods and ideas. You can see evidence of contact with other regions throughout the site.

Nabateans designed a unique water system for a reservoir to hold water for usage whole year.

Additionally, the people who inhabited this area had a vibrant culture reflected in their art and architecture. The Nabateans are known for their engineering and architectural skills. They also constructed a system of aqueducts and dams to provide water to the city.

5. It’s a great place to take amazing photos you’ll treasure forever

The colorful rocks and structures make for a beautiful backdrop. Because of the vast array of photo opportunities, from ancient ruins to dramatic landscapes, Petra offers plenty of opportunities for great shots that will leave you with memories to treasure forever. Not surprisingly, it has become a popular spot for photography in recent years.

Entrance Fees:

Petra entrance fees have available 1,2 or 3 days pass (for multiple days, please bring your passport with you; they will print your ticket as per the passport name. Prices are 50/55/60 JOD, respectively, and you can buy your ticket from the visitor center at the entrance by cash or card. 

Note: Pass ticket doesn’t include the Night event “Petra by Night”

How many days you’ll stay depends on how much time you have, but I highly suggest spending at least two days here to have a chance to explore and relax. 

How to Visit: 

Petra is open every day from 6 am until 6 pm for summer and 6 am to 4 pm during winter. 

You don’t need a guide if you’re visiting for the day, but they can be helpful if you want to learn more about the site’s history. There are also horses and camels available for rent if you want to explore the area on horseback or camelback.

Best time to Visit:

The best time to visit Petra is in the spring or fall. The weather is mild and comfortable during these times, and there are fewer tourists than during the summer months. However, the summer months can be quite hot and crowded in Petra, so if you’re looking for a more peaceful visit, opt for one of the other seasons.

Where to Stay:

There are many different options when it comes to where to stay in Petra. If you are planning to stay overnight in Wadi Musa (a town nearby), here are my recommendations: 

For those who are on a budget, Petra Palace Hotel is a good option. The location is near to Petra entrance. 

For a mid-range option, consider Petra Moon HotelThe hotel is just 100m from the visitor center. 

If you have a budget to splurge, then Movenpick Resort Petra is right for you. 

Want to know more about Jordan? Check my top things to do in Jordan. 

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